We who practice discipleship of Christ at CGS knowingly make sacrifices to serve God, often at the expense of our own comfort. It might sound like nonsense, but we actually experience greater freedom, the more that we give away. It's something we invite you to experience for yourself.
The best way to make a donation to CGS is using the Breeze form or the Venmo QR Code above. But here are some other methods that work for many in our congregation:
Write a check and put it in the collection plate on Sunday or in the mail to the address on our Contact Us page.
Use the Bill Pay feature on your bank's website to send one-time or recurring payments.
Transfer publicly trade-able assets like stocks or bonds or mutual funds to our Fidelity account; contact the donations team to request the receiving firm and account identifiers for Christ the Good Shepherd.
Donate cryptocurrency to the CGS account with our payment processor, BitPay.
Contact the donations team if you would like to make a donation using a new or different online method.
If you would like to give a donation of your time, your skills, or your energy, please contact our Leadership to find a place where your gifts are needed.