How does Godly Play work?
The Godly Play session is from 10:00 – 11:00 am on nearly every Sunday from mid-August to the end of May.
Please leave time to take your child to the toilet immediately before class. Class will be begin at 10:00 am, and it is important that everyone begins together at that time. Late arrivals are disruptive to the Godly Play session!
Before class, children will gather in the Great Hall outside the classroom. Once the Shepherd is present about 9:45 am, you may say goodbye and head into worship.
The Godly Play session consists of: crossing the threshold, building the circle, presenting the story, wondering, response, feast, and saying goodbye.
The controlled environment of a Godly Play classroom provides children with a deep sense of both freedom and security. Children remain with the class for the entire Godly Play session. Likewise, please do not enter the classroom during class. The Shepherd will be watching the door. If a disturbance is necessary, please knock softly or quietly open the door to get the Shepherd’s attention.
When the Godly Play session is over, the Shepherd will open the door, and children will be excused one at a time. Please form a line in the Great Hall near the door as children are dismissed. We try our best to say our individual good-byes in a timely manner, and being able to see you in the hallway can expedite the dismissal process.
How Godly Play works on a spiritual level is a much deeper discussion—and a topic about which we are passionate!! We welcome questions and comments and further talk. Please set up a time to observe a session.
On a practical level, your child may not be able to tell you what they learned and may not have a physical product of his or her work. Asking open-ended wondering questions such as “I wonder what your favorite thing in class was today?” or “I wonder what the most important part of class was today?” may lead to a more meaningful discussion about what happened in Godly Play.
We are excited about Godly Play here at C.G.S, and we hope you are too!!
If you have any interest in getting more involved in Godly Play program, please let us know!!
If you have any interest in getting more involved in Godly Play program, please let us know!!